Honor Society Information

Highland Springs High School is proud to host several honor societies and organizations. Below are the requirements for each individual organization. For more information, please contact the sponsor of the organization.

International Thespian Society
Sponsor - Taylor Bosta

  • Students must participate in at least two full-length productions or four one-acts. They also must have at least 100 hours of participation in the Highland Springs Theatre Department.

Mu Alpha Theta
Sponsor - Jeffrey Rombach

The National High School and Junior College Mathematics Honor Society
Requirements for membership are:

  • Enrolled in a math class higher than Algebra II.

  • Minimum overall unweighted GPA of 3.0.

  • Minimum math unweighted GPA of 3.0.

  • A recommendation from one math teacher, excluding the Mu Alpha Theta sponsor.

  • A commitment to be an active member by regularly attending meetings and participating in tutoring and special events.

National Beta Club
Cosponsors -Eric Byers & Crystal Wood

The National Beta Club is an honor society that recognizes outstanding academic achievement, promotes strong moral character and social responsibility, encourages service to others, fosters leadership skills and provides settings for students to develop strong interpersonal skills. The core values of the BETA creed are honesty, justice, service, cooperation, responsibility, industriousness, humility and charity. Students selected for the BETA Club are expected to uphold each part of the creed to the fullest extent possible.

  • Students must be academically a junior or senior and have a cumulative unweighted GPA of at least 3.0. Students must also complete a rigorous application process where they must complete an application and receive positive recommendations by the teachers. Students must uphold the highest standard of character with no history of in-school detention, out-of-school suspension or honor code violations. Upon successful application, students will also be asked to pay a one-time $25 fee to the club for national and local dues.

National English Honor Society
Sponsor -TBA

Membership in NEHS is by invitation, extended through a local chapter on behalf of the national organization. Membership in NEHS is an honor bestowed on individuals selected for their accomplishments in the field of English and in overall academic achievement.
The NEHS Constitution sets forth minimum requirements for active membership:

  • Attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester prior to being considered. (If special circumstances merit, the Faculty Advisory Council may waive the semester regulation).

  • Completion of the equivalent of two semesters of English prior to induction as members.

  • Achievement of a minimum overall and English grade point average of a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) prior to induction as members.

  • Submission and payment of the new member enrollment fee via NEHS Connect.

These criteria may be raised, but not lowered, by the local chapter, but criteria must be based solely on demonstrable academic matters.

National Honor Society
Sponsor - Katherine Leonard

  • To qualify for NHS the student must be a junior or senior with a 3.5 cumulative GPA. Once the student receives an application (based on their academic achievement) they must prove to a committee that they have sufficient leadership, character and community-service hours. The committee will review the student's application for these criteria. Faculty members will get a list of eligible students to comment on their character.

National Science Honor Society
Cosponsors - Stephanie Anderson and Dawn Sherwood

To be considered, students must:

  • Be enrolled in a fourth year of science at the Honors/AP level.

  • Have a 3.5 or higher GPA in science classes.

  • Have a 3.0 or higher GPA overall.

If inducted, students must:

  • Maintain these standards.

  • Pay $25 dues.

  • Complete eight hours of community service on behalf of a science endeavor e.g., environmental cleanup, tutoring, volunteering at a hospital, animal shelter or research facility, work at and/or participate in walks that benefit research endeavors such as Race for the Cure).

Sponsor - Matthew Atkinson

The National Social Studies Honor Society is the only national organization for high school juniors and seniors that recognizes excellence in the field of social studies. Any accredited public high school or nonsecondary school can apply for a local chapter. Rho Kappa provides national recognition and opportunities for exploration in social studies. NCSS hopes to encourage an interest in, understanding of and appreciation for social studies through the creation of Rho Kappa.

For student candidates to be considered for membership to a designated chapter of Rho Kappa, they must:

  • Have been in attendance at the school in which the chapter resides for the equivalent of one semester prior to being considered. (If special or unique circumstances merit, the high school administration may waive the semester requirement, providing a letter of explanation to the National Advisory Council.)

  • Have completed four semesters of courses in the field of social studies and be prepared to complete at least six semesters. The minimum grade point average for these courses is an unweighted 3.0 or the numerical equivalent.

  • Have an overall cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 or the numerical equivalent. (Individual chapters may choose to increase the GPA requirements for their chapter but may not decrease them.)

Candidates achieving the minimum GPA requirements may be invited to apply for membership in Rho Kappa. The application process will require candidates to show participation in activities that demonstrate civic engagement in school or their community, and their desire to be a member of the organization. Applicants must have two letters of recommendation from a current faculty member.

Tri-M Music Honor Society
Sponsor - Davon Yonkers

Tri-M Music Honor Society, formerly known as Modern Music Masters, is Highland Springs High School's music honor society. It is a program of the National Association for Music Education. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements and provide leadership and service opportunities to young musicians. Tri-M was founded in 1936 and became a program of MENC in 1983. There are approximately 6,200 participating chapters in several countries.

Criteria for consideration include:

  • Music participation. Students must be (or have been) enrolled in a school music ensemble for at least one semester of the current school year. Juniors should have participated for at least two years and seniors should have participated for at least three years.

  • Grades and scholarship. Students must have maintained a 3.0 grade point average in music, as well as at least a 2.5 cumulative grade point average in other classes, during the past semester.

  • Leadership. School or community activities that students have been actively involved in.

  • Service. School or community service activities that students have been part of, as long as they did it for someone else and received no money or other kind of payment.

  • Character. Members must demonstrate respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring and citizenship. Examples are being responsible, following school policies and procedures, being respectful of others and their property, being honest, being punctual and being patient.

All honor society requirements are subject to change and represent the minimum required to be considered as a candidate. Please contact the specific honor society sponsor for more information.