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Devon Simmons
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Brian Smith
Teacher Instructional Coach
JoAna Smith
Assistant Principal High
Keenan Smith
Teacher English
Lisa Smith
School Counselor High
NeShantia Smith
Substitute Teacher
James Sparks, Jr
Teacher Biology
Meredith Spencer
Teacher Art
Tiffany Spurlock
Office Assistant III
Robert Stanley
Teacher Driver Education
Dyvawn Stone-Charity
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Sheryl Sykes
Prep Participant
Chad Taylor
Teacher Spanish
World Languages & LIEP
Amara Temple
Substitute Teacher
Sydney Thompson
Substitute Teacher
Tavarius Thompson
Substitute Teacher
Robert Thompson, III
Teacher Technology Education
Tameka Threatts
Family Advocate
Atoya Turner
Teacher Technology Education
Kerry Turner
Substitute Teacher