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Loren Curtis
Teacher History
Melodye Cutler
Teacher Intellectual Disability
Chris Dandridge
Instructional Asst Exceptional Ed
Leigh Daniel
Teacher Art
Harry Daniel, III
HS Student Activities Director
Monique Davis
Instructional Asst Exceptional Ed
Jessica Donahue
Teacher Mathematics
Hunter Downs
Teacher Biology
Michael Dunson
Assistant Principal High
Alejandro Escobar, Jr
Teacher Health and Physical Educ
Michele Ferguson
Teacher Marketing
William FitzHealy
Lamont Folsom
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Muniratu Fujah
Teacher Business Education
Donald Geib
Teacher Mathematics
Deborah Gettys
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Marci Goode
Coordinator Extended Day
Sylvia Gooden
Teacher Family and Consumer Science
Ewa Greene
Speech Pathologist
Asia Gueye
Teacher Family and Consumer Science