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Cassandra Jones
Instructional Assistant Exceptional Ed Aada
John Jones, Jr
Teacher Biology
Kimberly Jones
Associate Principal High
Emily Kerwin
Teacher Math Coach
Support Staff
Paul Kimball, Jr
Teacher Technology Education
Lynette King
Substitute Teacher
Amanda Kroh
Teacher Biology
Andrew Ladnier
Technology Support Technician II
Julia Laing
Teacher Mathematics
Katherine Leonard
Teacher Physics
Kathy Liamidis
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Amanda Lilley
Teacher Biology
Gladys Loftin
Substitute Teacher
Robyn Mack-Kent
Communities in Schools
Diana Manning
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Tameka Mason
Teacher English
Keylon Mayo
Teacher Exceptional Education
LJ McKinnon
Teacher Specific Learning Disability
Tiwana Mckoy
Instructional Asst Exceptional Ed
Liz Mehalko
Teacher Art